
/episodethree/ - Episode Three

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/episodethree/src/167449877537.png No. 10
Awesome! I've been waiting for this :3

Can we get some screenshots from the admin interface? Any progress on the AntiSpam front?

Also has anyone written any migration scripts? either for vichan or lynxchan?
No. 11
going to test edit function
No. 13
nope lol
No. 14
can't edit, says 'incorrect password'well i'm glad you at least got the catalog working
No. 15
am i replying
No. 19
File: 167493449893.png - (0.13 MB, 1600x901, gochan manage dashboard.png)
Sure, here's the dashboard. Technically, it's also viewable by mods and janitors, not just admins, mods and janitors don't have access to things like boards and rebuild tools.
No. 20
Yeah, I'm aware of the edit issue, that's being worked on
No. 21
It currently has Akismet support, which the server admin added. I think it's related to WordPress, or at least tied to a WordPress account. As you can see, hcaptcha support was recently added. And I'm also going to be adding post filters, allowing you to directly reject/ban posts based on the contents of the name/trip, email, subject, body, or upload.

>migration scripts
I'm actually considering replacing gochan-migration with a plugin system, which would allow gochan to sit on top of the current database and control it directly, rather than having to migrate it to a new one.
No. 22
File: 167571615071.jpeg - (28.0 KB, 539x539, did-i-ask.jpeg)
That interface Looks lovely, thanks :)

> allow gochan to sit on top of the current database and control it directly

That's interesting, could also function as a kind of 'second front-end' so boards could try out gochan without scrapping their old board. still for me personally i would like to get off of MongoDB as soon as possible. :-\

i'm sure once the engine is effectively done someone will end up writing the db migration script, so the devs shouldn't waste time on that.


Akismet is pretty good, and yeah having specialized filters is really useful, along with hash based bans. Might i also recommend block lists through hosts DNSBL files like can be found at https://www.dnsbl.info or there's IP based blocklists like here https://stopforumspam.com/downloads these are all free.

> captcha

recaptcha, hcaptcha are all great options, tho for the truly paranoid some kind of internal captcha system like is available on lynxchan or TinyIB would be nice.

i think both of these use imagemagick, but you can do the same html5 canvas and go, basically you print a random string into a box and make the text wavey with some random colors and shapes, it's not that great but it keeps the low hanging fruit out.
No. 23
Here's a few other things i'd like to see

>remove exif data from media

lynxchan uses exiftool, not sure if there's an equivalent in go

> Hidden service support:

have the engine listen on a dedicated 'tor port' or 'i2p port' which is only accessible via the hidden service, you can then apply custom rules like additional captcha type challenge or prevent them from uploading media / don't auto link urls etc.

> Websocket updates

gives the board some real time functionality

> Archive management

make it easy to export board archives to an external server, can mean just moving the html files, or maybe converting the db data to other mediums like gemini

>add alt text to uploaded images

easier said that done lol but worth a shot

> Board wikis

like the sidebard in reddit, mods/jannies can edit the board wiki pages from web interface -- this is something vichan had but few other boards do, i guess it trivial to do in php. The same function can be used for board news, rules, faq etc.

> More custom markdown / BBCodes / Emotes / Emojis

obvs low priority: presumably this can be done via an addon
No. 24
>That's interesting, could also function as a kind of 'second front-end' so boards could try out gochan without scrapping their old board. still for me personally i would like to get off of MongoDB as soon as possible. :-\
I admit I was really just thinking selfishly, making it easier on me, though seeing it as a sort of "try before you 'buy'" mindset could be good as well, allowing prospective admins to try it out on their server without committing to it.
Unfortunately, I'm not at all familiar with MongoDB, though I wouldn't be against learning it. Gochan's components have been largely based around a SQL database system, so I'm not sure how much work it would take to make it compatible with a NoSQL database, as a frontend or as a migration.

>some kind of internal captcha system like is available on lynxchan or TinyIB would be nice
Gochan originally handled CAPTCHAs internally, but the package I used changed its API a bunch and rather than having to try to figure out the changes, I just dumped it and outsourced it to hCAPTCHA, which also means less work for the Gochan server.
No. 25
>remove exif data from media
I could potentially do that. I'd have to look into how the image package handles image metadata when it creates the thumbnails, and if the metadata is retained. If it dumps the metadata or if there is an option to do so, an external program/dependency won't be needed.

>have the engine listen on a dedicated 'tor port' or 'i2p port' which is only accessible via the hidden service, you can then apply custom rules like additional captcha type challenge or prevent them from uploading media / don't auto link urls etc.
That might be possible. At some point I'm also planning on adding a filter system, and that could be potentially integrated into it.

>>Websocket updates
>gives the board some real time functionality
It technically does have pseudo "real time" updates via the JSON API, which is based on and mostly compatible with 4chan's API, though I'll look into WebSocket support.
No. 26
>>Archive management
>make it easy to export board archives to an external server, can mean just moving the html files, or maybe converting the db data to other mediums like gemini
I think something like that would be best handled by a plugin or an external server-side program.

>>add alt text to uploaded images
>easier said that done lol but worth a shot
Do you mean like custom per-post/per-upload alt texts, or are you referring to an accessibility thing, adding an alt attribute to each image?

>>Board wikis
>like the sidebard in reddit, mods/jannies can edit the board wiki pages from web interface -- this is something vichan had but few other boards do, i guess it trivial to do in php. The same function can be used for board news, rules, faq etc.
Something like that seems like it would be out of the scope of gochan, though it could be potentially done with a plugin or an external program.

>>More custom markdown / BBCodes / Emotes / Emojis
>obvs low priority: presumably this can be done via an addon
I'm actually looking into adding Markdown support, and emote images would actually be (potentially) trivial to implement. Gochan already supports per-board configuration, so if emotes were added, you could have per-board emotes, and something this could be added to gochan.json or a board's JSON file.

"Emotes": [
{":think:": "/static/emotes/thinkemoji.png"},
{":ree:": "/static/emotes/ree.png"}
No. 27
I just checked and confirmed that the uploaded images' thumbnails don't have the original image's EXIF data, so adding an option to strip metadata should be relatively simple.
No. 28
Thanks for the thoughtful replies :)


yeah i'd recommend sticking with SQL, mongo in particular kinda sucks, and it will probably be easier to just convert the db than add nosql support on your end

glad to hear that removing exif and the markdown/ emojis are in the pipeline, the in built captcha would be nice but not essential, maybe that should go in the 'future plugin' bin.

> Alt Text

I mean accessibility: alt text per image, or if that is difficult ( since the number of images varies ) you can just do a single alt text bubble and users can handle the rest. Beyond accessibility this is useful in terms of long term archiving since images may be lost in migrations.

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